Piano Lessons in Kansas City


Based in Kansas City, pianists Esther & Andreas Han Landstedt of the AndEs Piano Duo join forces in instruction.


Every person has potential for creativity and artistic ability, especially through music - which we consider to be the prime field of study. Learning music is proven to contribute to a myriad of long-term skills, communication, and empathy that we as teachers and lifelong learners hope to inspire in our piano students. We aim to instill a passion and appreciation for music and piano playing through holistic and collaborative teaching geared to your personal interests and goals.



Check back regularly for updates!
Updates will also be communicated via email.

The FALL SEMESTER will begin on August 12.

The FALL RECITAL will be on October 20th.
(Please email Esther for more details!)

  • 30-minute lesson: $30.00
    45-minute lesson: $42.50
    60-minute lesson: $55.00

    Payment will be due on a monthly basis at the first lesson of the month to secure weekly lessons. Payment is accepted in the forms of cash, check, and Venmo. Late payment is subject to a $10 fee.

    Family Discount: At the discretion of the teachers, a 5% discount per additional student is offered to families with two or more students.

    Tuition Increase: Tuition is subject to annual increase. Should this happen, the teachers will make an announcement before the first lesson of the last month of the semester.

    Gas Fee: Families beyond a commute radius of 15 miles will be charged an additional gas fee per lesson, added to the total monthly payment at the start of the month.

  • Lessons will take place at the home of the student or the home studio of the teachers at the discretion of the teachers, factoring in location, driving distance, proximity to other students, and quality of the home instrument. Students should arrive on time, as each scheduled lesson is specifically reserved for the student.

    Students are encouraged to continue lessons and participate in recitals and other events and for the full academic year (fall to spring) upon enrollment. Enrolled students are required to participate in at least one event per academic year.

    A change in the normal schedule must be communicated ahead of time. Absences due to illness, accidents, or emergencies will be excused with a 24-hour notice.


    Please ensure that hands are clean and fingernails are short before the start of every lesson.

    Please have all materials ready in an organized manner upon arrival or ready at the piano.


    Online lessons will be conducted via Zoom or FaceTime.

    Please have your camera/device set up before the scheduled lesson time. A tablet or laptop is recommended for the best learning experience.

    The camera/device should be set up above the level of the keyboard at a slightly downwards angle to capture the hands, arms, and profile. The full keyboard should be visible in the frame.

  • Because all lessons are secured on a month-by-month basis, student cancellations or absences will not be refunded nor discounted. The student will be granted one makeup lesson to be conducted in-person during the makeup week at the end of each fall and spring session.

    It is the responsibility of the student/parent to keep track of missed lessons. Please keep the teacher informed of known/planned absences before the following month.

    Teacher cancellations will be made-up accordingly.

    In case of unusually inclement weather or mild illness, the lesson will be conducted online.

  • Students MUST have a good quality instrument to practice on at home. A well-functioning acoustic piano is ideal for good development of technique and musicality, and regular annual tuning is highly encouraged. Quality electric pianos with excellent key action and sound are acceptable.

  • Strong commitment, diligent preparation, and enthusiastic participation are necessary for pianistic growth in our studio. Students are expected to practice on a DAILY basis for effective progress and preparation. Parents are encouraged to be engaged during practice time and communicate via text or email throughout the week to clarify assignments, practice, and other situations. Inadequate practicing and preparation will be discussed with the student and/or parent and can lead to termination of lessons at the discretion of the teachers.

  • Lessons will not be held on the following dates and holidays: Thanksgiving week, Christmas week, New Years Eve, and New Years Day. Please check the full studio calendar for detailed information on breaks and teacher schedules. The Summer Session (June to July) will be treated as separate from the academic year.

  • A one-month notice is required before the student or parent decides to discontinue lessons for any reason. The teacher reserves the right to refer and/or dismiss a student in case of any of the following circumstances: uncooperative attitude, disrespectful behavior, infrequent practicing, continuous lack of preparation.


updated September 2024


Interested in lessons for yourself or for your child(ren)?

Check out the Studio Policy above and the information below, then send us a message via the Inquiry Form at the end of the page.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Beginner - Elementary

My method-based approach will aim to incorporate a good balance of beginner piano technique and foundational music theory for both children and adult learners. For the younger student, this will include activity-based learning.


Transitioning out of methods into a more classical approach, the student will focus on establishing dexterity, musical expression, and good tone while continuing to cultivate intermediary technique in order to build up strong performance skills.


In preparation for collegiate standards and long-term retention, students will be expected to regularly perform and learn pieces from all four primary eras of classical music, concentrating on performance practice, music history, and knowledge of repertoire.